4-H Camp Owahta Bunk House running

Two of our several cabins in the boys village.

4-H Camp Owahta Girls Bunk house

Several girls relaxing on the porch of cabin "Longhouse".

4-H Camp Owahta Cadet Boy's Bunk

Bunks are not only great for sleeping, but also enjoying time with friends!

Residential Camp

2025 Residential Fee is:  

Weeks 1, 2, 3, 5 & 6: $350 per week  

Week 4 "Boys and Girls is Day camp only 

(Resident Camp will not be offered week 4) 

Week 7 "Olympic Week": $370.00 Includes T-shirt

Have an amazing summer at 4-H Camp Owahta!  Our camp is for boys and girls ages 8-16 from all over the country.  Last year we had campers from as close as McGraw, NY and as far away as Florida and China.  

Resident Camp is special in the way that it fosters a level of independence and growth unparalleled to any other environment that 4-H can provide. Here campers will reside in a cabin with other children in their own age range, and work as a community to forge new friendships and grow closer to one another. 

Campers will have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of activities ranging from outdoor living skills classes, problem solve on our unique challenge course, to ceramics and even archery. These are just a few of our many activities and classes that your child can participate in at camp. Everyone of our offered activities is taught and lead by a qualified staff member who has devoted their summer to making your child's summer the best one they have had yet. 

The value of coming to 4-H Camp Owahta cannot be measured in dollar amounts or other traditional metrics. We find that each family gains something unique and slightly different from family to family. It can be as simple as self-responsibility increasing around the house to a significant boost in self-esteem that allows your child to see that they can do new things and they are valuable

All of this is done in a safe environment created by our low staff ratios and adherence to high standards in both program areas and in the cabin. We also have a full time medical professional who works on site for the duration of the summer to respond to any medical needs that may arise for your child.

We encourage you to join us for one of our events during the spring time, or talk to our staff during our many outreach events in Central New York.

Additional Paperwork is Requested Health History of Campers Attending.

1. Once you have answered the camper Health History on-line while registering your child for summer camp - it is also required to have current Physical Form from your family physician or from School for any camper attending the 2024 summer programs at 4-H Camp Owahta.

PRESCRIPTION AND NON-PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS ~ If it is necessary for your child to receive any medication (prescription or over-the-counter) while at camp, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. No medications will be given to campers unless a licensed physician has granted permission to do so on the camper’s Health Form or Physical Form or a written script by the physician.
  2. The physician must provide clear written instructions regarding the use of prescription medications on both the Health Form and the Physical Form.
  3. "A Doctors Scriptsigned by the physician  must be given to the Camp Nurse for EPiPen or Inhaler  if camper will have the need for dosage given during stay at the camp by the nurse's station.

Last updated January 3, 2025