If in doubt please call our office at 391-2660 for any updates of program cancellations.
Winter Weather Guidelines
Tuesday, December 12, 2017,
12:00 PM -
12:00 PM

- If a meeting is going to be cancelled, we will call the following radio station in Homer, WHXC to announce cancellation.
- Other locations for posting: e-mail notification and also on the Cooperative Extension's telephone answering system (607-591-2660).
- Sometimes the weather is bad in one part of the county and not in others. Use your judgment when deciding to travel.
- Sometimes it's too late to cancel a meeting when the weather turns bad; again use your own judgment.
- If Cornell Cooperative Extension closes during the day - evening meetings are cancelled.
- If you decide not to travel to a meeting, call the office and leave a message on the voice mail of the person in charge of the meeting.
- Cancelling and trying to re-schedule meetings is very difficult, so if at all possible, meeting will be held. Again, use your own judgment and do not travel if you do not feel safe.
Last updated December 12, 2017