The SCNY Agriculture Team includes specialists in grazing...
agroforestry and natural resources...
and ornamental horticulture.
CCE Cortland Agriculture
Cornell Cooperative Extension’s South-Central NY Agriculture Program serves farmers and rural landowners in Chemung, Cortland, Tioga, Tompkins and Schuyler Counties in New York State.
We work with farm businesses to:
- Improve enterprise viability
- Explore opportunities for new business development
- Support local markets
- Diversify farm enterprises
We support adoption of sustainable farming practices to:
- Produce high quality agricultural products
- Practice proper animal husbandry
- Decrease pest damage
- Improve post-harvest food quality
- Ensure food safety
- Protect the environment
- Conserve energy and natural resources
- Improve farm profitability
The extension works with farmers in several capacities:
- Educational conferences, workshops, meetings, tours and classes
- Facilitating farmer-to-farmer communication
- Research-based publications and fact sheets
- Newsletters, meeting notices, and timely updates
- Personal consulting via phone, email, and in person
- Soil testing and diagnostic services
Last updated January 14, 2025