We are very excited about continuing our local businesses fundraiser this year!This fundraiser creates a win-win situation that helps our local economy and funds 4-H programs and activities as well. Every year these local businesses are excited about participating in our fundraiser. Please help support these local businesses!
Fundraising is important for many reasons.First, fundraising makes certain that activities are affordable for all youth in your club. Each club with receive 50% of the profit of their sales.The club may use the money to purchase supplies and materials for their projects, and the club may also choose to support its member(s) on countywide trips, workshops, or other educational opportunities. Each club decides the use of their earnings. Individual members may choose to give their profits to a county-wide program.The remaining profits are all deposited to the 4-H program fund to help support the programs we offer throughout the year.
Our selling time is from October 16th through November 15th, with all orders and money due to the 4-H office no later than November 18th. All products will be ready for individual / 4-Her / 4-H club pick-up on December 6th, from noon to 6 p.m. at the 4-H building at the fairgrounds.
Orders may be made on-line. All orders placed on-line must be paid by credit card. The system will accept credit cards through Paypal. There is no shipping offered, all orders must be picked up on Friday, December 6th,from noon to 6 p.m. at the 4-H building at the fairgrounds. No orders can be held for alternate pick-ups.
On-line ordering link here
Or if you are able, you can connect through the QR code:
If you need extra forms, the forms are here on the website (link below), or stop by the 4-H office.
If you would like to make a large order that is beyond the quantities that can be entered on-line, please call the 4-H office at 607-391-2660.
There is something for everyone, and items that would make nice gifts too!
2024 4-H Local Products Fundraiser Order Form
Rebecca Ireland-Perry
4-H Team Leader
607-391-2660 x406
Last updated October 16, 2024