Cortland County 4-H Dairy Program offers young people the opportunity to learn about the selection, production, management, evaluation, health and showing of dairy cattle, 4-H members in a dairy project have access to a variety of learning activities giving them a broad perspective of the dairy industry. Participation in dairy quiz bowl, judging clinics and contests, workshops, public presentations, and showing dairy cattle at the Cortland Jr. Fair provides them with skills and knowledge beyond just caring for a project animal.
Showing dairy cattle can be a fun and rewarding part of the 4-H dairy animal project. Registered animals must be owned by the youth by June 1st of the current year. The dairy non-ownership program was designed to allow youth who do not own dairy cattle the opportunity to lease a dairy animal to show. Completed forms must be turned in to the 4-H Office by June 1st. For information on non-ownership, please contact the 4-H office at 607-391-2660.
On-line Cortland Jr. Fair Dairy Cattle Registration: click here
Holstein Foundation Educational Workbooks
PDCA Showmanship Evaluation Card
Rebecca Ireland-Perry
4-H Team Leader
607-391-2660 x406
Last updated November 8, 2016