Apples on the tree at Cornell Orchard (Cornell University Photography)
Image by Lindsay France

Find a U-Pick Apple farm near you.

U-Pick Apple Farms

Farms listed here are provided by the Cornell Cooperative Extension Agriculture Programs in S. Cayuga, Schuyler, and Tompkins Counties to help you locate foods grown or produced in our region.

As with all U-Pick farms, it's a good idea to call to confirm crop availability.

Cayuga County

Grisamore Farms
Mary Ann Grisamore
N of Ithaca off Rt 34
Goose Street Road
749 Cowan Road
Locke NY 13092
(315) 497-1347
Season: May-Oct: Monday - Friday, 8-6, Saturday 8-5 & Sunday 10-5
Crops: Strawberries, blueberries, apples, sweet cherries, raspberries, pumpkins.
Updated: 6/30/2022

Schuyler County

Bolter Creek Orchard
Located on Sirrine Road on the corner of 227.
Look for our big red barn!
6539 Rte 227
Trumansburg, NY 14886
697) 377-1777
Season: Mid Sept-Late Oct: 
Sundays 10-4
Crops: Apples, many varieties

Apples and Moore (previously Reisinger's Apple Country)
3 mi W of Watkins Glen, take Rt 409 & follow signs
2750 Apple Lane
Watkins Glen NY 14891
: Over 20 varieties of apples available for u-pick and pre-picked. U-pick red raspberries, U-cut flowers, donuts, apple cider.

Seneca County

Finger Lakes Cider House
4017 Hickok Rd
Interlaken NY 14847

Season: June-Nov 
Crops:Strawberries, apples, and flowers
Retail Crops: apples & peaches.

June - July 4th strawberries, August- peaches, late August-October- apples, June-mid October - flowers
Extra: Hard cider tastings, farm to table lunch menu, live music, farm fresh BBQ
Updated: 8/21/2024

Tompkins County

Indian Creek Farm
Steve Cummins
1408 Trumansburg Road
Ithaca NY 14850
(607) 227-8248

Strawberries - June, Rasberries - July, Peaches - August, Veggies - July-October,
Herbs - July-October, Flowers - July-October, Tomatoes - August-October,
Apples and Pears - August-October, Pumpkins and Brussels Sprouts - October
Extra: Playground for the kids!
Updated 8/20/2024

Littletree Orchards - 2023 No u-pick available due to the late hard frost
Will be open with cider and donuts, in the barn on Saturdays
345 Shaffer Road
Newfield NY 14867

Season: September - Mid October, Saturdays and Sunday's 10am-6pm - See website for exact dates
Crops: Apples, Asian pears, European Pears. Additional items available in the sales barn including: Apple Cider Vinegars, Apple Cider, Apple Cider Tonics, Apple Sauce, Apple Butter, Apple Chips and more

Season: June - Mid-November: Thursday - Monday 10am-6pm
Crops: Flowers, tomatoes, herbs, peppers, eggplant, basil, Brussel sprouts, apples, peaches, pumpkins, sweet & tart cherries, Asian pears, raspberries, gourds

McKissick Farms - 2023 No apples or peach u-pick available due to the late hard frost
(formerly Baker's Acres)
David McKissick Fernandez
1104 Auburn Road
Groton NY 13073

May-Jun: M-F 8-6, Sa & Su 9-5
Mar-Oct 31: M-F 8-5, Sa & Su 9-5
U-Pick Hours:
Sept – Oct M-F 8-5, Sa & Su 9-5
Apples (20 varieties available)

Last updated October 8, 2024